RockErin Dogs & Owners
We appreciate when owners of RockErin dogs give us updates on how they are doing. We would like to share those updates and images with you. If you own a RockErin dog and would like to share any images or updates with us, please contact us.

Dr Georgia Paez’s Young RockErin Dog

Ben Davenport’s Governor and Bey

he Haveman Family with Cedar

Dr Kathy Williams with Jake

Mark Wells with Denali

Dan Mills with Jackson, Finn and Sean

Red with Gina

Richard Brown LA with RockErin bred dog Cody

John Armstrong with Tully

Ralph Ludke With Red Skye

Debbie and Gemmy

RockErin Blackbottle Craic***

FTC MFR GMHR RockErin Redhot Chilipepper***